I know, "Not my church" no one wants to admit that they or those around them would fall into anything other than absolute perfection. Lets be honest, that's what we seem to expect in our churches, if you want to worship with us and pray with us, please have your life in order first. If you come dressed other than the way we dress, or if you speak more roughly or completely different than what we speak than you'll be treated as an outsider. I don't exclude myself from this tirade, I'm among the worst of them. I know when I see someone so unlike what I expect they ought to be I pull away. If they don't measure up I don't follow up, and its to my shame. What hurt we (and I ) must cause God by turning away from those He loves!
It seems to me that when we're faced with those in the throes of sin, who look to be the worst of humanity, we ought to be running to them, we ought to be embracing them, befriending them for the sake of the King and Kingdom! God loves them, is that not enough for us to love them too? If He's deemed them to be lovable why do we turn our noses up? Are we so much wiser than God that we know more than Him who is deserving of His (and our) love?
So what's the answer to all of this?
Ephesians 4:2 "With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love."
Ephesians 4:2 "With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love."
We bear with them in love, we make an allowance that they'll have faults, that we will have faults, and we bear with them through it. We give patience and love, no matter the subject.
Can you imagine the state of our churches if that came into full effect? That people would walk in a room and know that they aren't expected to be perfect, that they're going to find love and acceptance. (I'm not saying we should just completely accept sin and embrace sin, but we also can't turn our nose up at it either and simply allow others to wallow in it. Maybe if people see us loving them at their worst they'll be willing to stick around till they reach their best?)
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