Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The rumors.....

Oh the rumors, the joys of having these little tidbits float around through our congregations and communities. Were you aware that we (My Pastor husband and I) were leaving the church to become full time farmers? We didn't know either till a few weeks back when it finally got back to us! Never mind that neither of us has farmed in our lives, or that our garden barely produces a live plant.
These silly little needless accusations and stories drive me up the wall, why is it that we (as Christians, and I'm counting myself here) can point the finger repeatedly at those around us who are "living in sin" yet fail to see our own sinfulness, even when it's brought to light? Why do we choose to defend our behavior rather than acknowledge a weakness and strive through the Father's help to better ourselves?
Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 1.Haughty eyes, 2. a lying tongue, And 3. hands that shed innocent blood, 4. A heart that devises wicked plans, 5. Feet that run rapidly to evil, 6. A false witness who utters lies, And 7. one who spreads strife among brothers.
Matthew 15:19 “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders
We're happy to pound the pavement and protest the Murders (abortion protests anyone?) or fornications (gay marriage debates/protests), yet while we're point fingers at all others who have sin we fail to include ourselves in the group.
We know that all sin will lead to eternal damnation, we know that there aren't really "level's of sin" if we sin, its sin, no trying to make ourselves seem better by down playing our sin! So why do we so willingly look the other way for one of our own? Why do we allow the gossipers to flourish, the false witnesses to continue speaking, and the slanders to continue on? Are they not in just as much danger of hell as those who don't profess to be Christians?

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